Neustadt meeting 2023 from 7 to 9 July in Neustadt an der Donau

Neustadt an der Donau celebrates anniversary: festive weekend with Neutadt meeting

Whether in the Neustadt-Mile, dancing to live music coming from various stages or at the sales booths of the local associations: Guests and local Neustadt residents celebrated the city´s great anniversary together.

750 years of „city rights“ – it is a special anniversary that Neustadt an der Donau celebrated. Fort the town festival, which is held every year, Neustadt an der Donau was also very pleased to welcome visitors from many other Neutadts.  Because on the occasion oft the big anniversary year also the meeting oft the consortium „Neustadt in Europa“ took place on this festival weekend.

Reception in the castle moat

The blue carpet (the same blue of the Neustadt an der Donau logo) was specially rolled out in the moat to receive all the Neustädter who had traveled there. The celebration started with music form the Bad Gögging brass band. Thomas Memmel, First Mayor of Neustadt an der Donau, warmly welcomed the approximately 900 Neustadt residents, as did Petra Bieber, Chairwoman of the „Neutadt in Europa“ consortium. Short clips gave impressions oft he last Neustadt Meeting and a film introduced Neustadt an der Donau as this year´s host.

The guests had traveled a total of almost 9.000 kilometers line of sight on  their journeys to Neustadt an der Donau-  In the castle moat, it was only a few meters across the blue carpet that one resident of each Neustadt carried the respective city coat of arms to the stage, where a group photo was taken as a memento.


Alley as a lasting memory

On Saturday morning, the mayors oft he participating Neustadts met in the board room oft he town hall. Following the mayors` meeting, the participants walked together through the city and the fesival area to a special alley: Especially as a lasting reminder of the Neustadt Meeting 2023 an alleys of trees were planted – one tree representing each participating Neustadt. The mayors and representatives ceremoniously watered their tree.

Music, specialties and insights

With performances of music groups and booths in the Neustadt-Mile, the Neustädter also participated in the city festival program:  from wine or sausage specialties, informations and raffles to even brass music from near and far Neustadts.

Conversations and new acquaintances were made, Neustadt residents got to know each other and new places, people celebrated and exchanged ideas: „A successful Neustadt meeting an a great festival weekend, ``everyone agreed at the end of the three-day city festival.

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Current news and information on the Neustadt cities

© Christian CHELU

This year's 46th Neustadt reunion took place in Cristian-Neustadt, Romania. From 8 to 11 August 2024, around 150 participants from eight Neustadt towns accepted the invitation and made the long journey to ‘Neustadt in Burzenland’.

© Stadt Neustadt an der Donau/Pieknik

Whether in the Neustadt-Mile, dancing to live music coming from various stages or at the sales booths of the local associations: Guests and local Neustadt residents celebrated the city´s great anniversary together.

Unfortunately, there will be no Neustadt meeting this year either. The Corona crisis is forcing those responsible from Neustadt Harz to decide to cancel the festival without replacement.

© Tourismus Agentur Luebecker Bucht

Due to the Corona pandemic, the Neustadt meeting from 25 to 27 June in Neustadt in Holstein had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, those responsible did not want to let the date pass by without a word and have come up with a nice alternative and together have packed North German greeting packages and made an atmospheric video.

© Hafen Heimat Neustadt in Holstein

Since 1979, Europe-wide Neustadts have been cultivating a fine tradition: the Neustadt meeting, which brings together around 1000 Neustadters every year. To enable an exchange throughout the year, Neustadt in Holstein has come up with something: the Neustadt pen pal.

© Christian CHELU

Newest member of the town twinning is the city “Cristian-Neustadt in Burzenland”. The now southernmost town of the joint venture is located in Transylvania in Romania.

Unfortunately, the planned Neustadt meeting 2020 in Neustadt an der Aisch from July 3 to 5 had to be canceled due to the corona pandemic.

© Gunther Gräfe

An article about the declared goal of the government to create “equality in living conditions” between the former eastern and western German states was published on March 9 in the Welt newspaper.

© Bad Neustadt

From 28 to 30 June 2019 the big family of Neustadt cities met for the third time, after 1979 and 1999, in Bad Neustadt an der Saale and celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Neustadt movement.